Tuesday 13 December 2022

Sports and me by Juan Asnaghi

What is physical training for me? Well, first of all I want to say that I'm not a great athlete, not because I don't like doing sports but because I don't have the ability. Leaving that aside, I like to play football, and going to the gym makes me feel healthy, but my biggest enemy is laziness. 

What I previously mentioned is the main reason why I do a little amount of exercise, so this leads me to the conclusion that being in shape is both a physical and a mental matter. It is necessary to have certain discipline and keep a schedule. In addition to that, you also need a balanced diet with good and healthy sources of protein, like lean meat or almonds, because there is no point in exercising if you are eating food that keeps you unfit.

In conclusion, if you want to be fit, make up your mind and have some discipline, in addition to maintaining a healthy diet.

Physical health vs Mental health by Estefi Montero

Is physical health more important than mental health? There are different opinions but I’m going to explain mine.

I’m going to start with our bodies. We have to take care of them and with that I mean eating four meals a day and having a healthy and balanced diet. I’m not trying to say that you have to starve yourself. You might expect that you can’t eat anything unhealthy but of course that you can have a “cheat day” once a week. It will be good if you add some exercise to it. It is necessary for your body to move a little bit, maybe walking or doing some kind of sport. 

The next thing is our minds. Bodies work well if our minds are healthy. If you want to take care of your mental health you can try going out, fresh air, people and nature can help you to clear your mind. It is not good for ourselves to stay indoors for a long time. Being with friends is important too, you can talk to them if you need someone to listen to you or if you need some company. However, we need to have time for ourselves, in a place where we feel safe and comfortable and where we can do our favorite hobbies, even if those one’s are just sleeping or relaxing. 

So to finish the idea, mental health is just as important as physical health. We have to try our best to keep ourselves the healthiest possible.

Healthy Recommendations by Valentin Rodriguez Kees

A person's health is their state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is more a healthy lifestyle that includes food, physical exercise, work, relationship with the environment and social activity.

In this way, I can recommend some of the habits that I believe are necessary to lead a healthy life and they are the following:

Eating a healthy diet, including all the foods present in the nutritional pyramid, but in the right proportions and in sufficient quantities.

Exercising frequently, personally i recommend about 30 minutes of physical activity a day, being enough to go for a walk.

And finally, social activity. Social relationships are a fundamental aspect of our mental health, getting together with friends or family can sometimes be a great way to clear your mind. And it is important mainly for a healthy lifestyle when you get older.

Monday 12 December 2022

Stalking in the name of love by Trinidad Larrea

It is a very common trope to see in movies and TV shows, the nice guy who finds a very special woman and instantly becomes infatuated with her, it is true love. But, what happens when she doesn’t return his feelings? Well, he certainly won't give up, he will do whatever it takes to convince her to love him back. This is “True love” after all.

So the protagonist will spy on her, pester her and manipulate her until she agrees to go out with him. But in one of these very common narratives, his obsessive, coercive and stalker-like behavior is framed as an expression of his love and devotion, not as stalking but as a compliment. But when the gender roles are reversed, her actions are shown as manic and crazy. I’m not suggesting that stalking is okay when it’s done by a woman , it’s absolutely not; but I think it’s important to note that the social and cultural implications are different when the media shows women stalking men.

It's public knowledge that stalking is a crime and it has serious psychological consequences on the victims. It’s important to eradicate these behaviors as portraying them as cute and nice in massive media is very harmful.

Sunday 11 December 2022

How do athletes deal with pressure? by Juli Negrin

 Everybody recognizes high-ranking athletes for the number of medals they have, but, have you ever thought of how it feels to carry an entire country on your back? All the time we forget that athletes aren't machines of success and this thinking can result in very dangerous consequences for them.

Actually, athletes must learn how to live with society's pressure? But is it part of their profession or is it that the people just don't allow them even to make a mistake? Professional athletes have to achieve optimum results, train a lot of hours and also deal with social media and journalists. All that causes them a lot of stress that if they don't know how to deal with, their lives can be affected negatively. One clear example is Delfina Pignatiello, an Argentinian swimmer that participated in the Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo. The bad comments she had about her performance made her take the decision of leaving swimming.

All in all, I have the opinion that apart from learning how to deal with the pressure that others put on us, we also have to learn not to be too self-demanding.

Friday 9 December 2022

Suggestions for going to a concert by Manu Alonso

Before going to a  concert, I recommend you looking for information about the place the singer is going to play in, how the weather is going to be on the concert's date, how much time you should spend waiting in the queue to get into the stadium, and some tips so that you can take care of yourself to have a great and safe time. 

As many people were saying they needed tips. I would love to help by giving you some pieces of advice tips that might be useful:
  • Bring a bottle of water or two.

  • Check the weather.

  • Do not go to the queue too early if it's not necessary so that you don't have to wait so much time under the sun (you can faint after many hours of standing without a cap or water).

  • Bring something to eat or money to buy food there.

  • Try to be calm and patient so that you don't bother other people.

  • Do not take much (important) stuff in your bag because it can be stolen or taken away before you reach the stadium.

  • Try not to bring plastic bottles (it is usually forbidden).

I realized that if very few people gave information, that may be the reason why fans don't have the resources to stay safe. Many of them end up fainting in the stadium, feeling bad, getting tired or having other similar problems around people who may not know how to help. I'm 100% sure that the people who have that kind of problem at a concert have not read anything about self-care before going, and it's actually very important for you to be prepared. Hopefully, these tips will help people to make aware of the things that can happen and have a wonderful experience. I hope you all can have the possibility of enjoying the magic of a concert at least once in a lifetime.

Thursday 8 December 2022

How could you take advantage of your free time? by Ivan Molleker

Have you ever been in a boring situation like when you have nothing to do and you are not being creative? Well, we have some awesome ideas for you to try to make use of your spare time.

First, let me give you an ecological proposal: you can plant trees, do compost, and try an orchard: like planting some tomatoes, lettuce, and watermelons in summer, or spinach, cabbage, and beetroots in winter.  There are a lot of vegetables you can grow, find your favorite and give it a try! At first, it could be difficult, but then it can be relaxing to be in contact with nature.

Another idea could be to practice a sport. For instance, you can run, cycle, or do calisthenics at home or in your neighborhood. You do not have to spend money on it, and it is a very good way to improve your health, diminish stress, and make you happy in the process.

To sum up, all of the activities mentioned in this article are healthy habits you can adopt to improve your general well-being.

The Magic behind Christmas by Victoria Bayon

Christmas. What is it about? For some people, Jesus's birth. For me, the best celebration of the year.

There are a lot of things to do on this date that make it so special for me. Families get together in a salon or a house to share a special moment and a delicious meal. We usually eat cold food, like pionono, arrollado or ensalada rusa.

Another important point for us is the decoration. The most important part is the tree. This one should have lights, colors, and a really big star. Guests will leave their gifts under the tree and they'll open them at midnight, just after making a toast.

Leaving the organization behind, let's think about values, emotions, and sensations. Christmas is the perfect time to meet the people you care for and trade gifts that have a special meaning. The combination of people having fun and anecdotes you'll never forget has no price, it's just magical. Children's illusion while opening Santa Claus's gifts is also adorable.

All in all, Christmas has a lot of good qualities, but they all lead to one: our loved ones. There's nothing like spending time with them and building memories that you'll remember forever.

How difficult it is to live in Argentina? by Tiziano Tumoletti

Inflation, high taxes, shortage, poverty.  Argentina is an example of what not to do. Years of economic mismanagement and deficit turned a very powerful country (one of the most relevant in the XX century) into a poor one. What was the cause? Or who is to blame for?

It's very hard to live in this south-American and third-world country. But in the past it was part of the "American Dream", a lot of immigrants from Europe and Asia came to America (most specifically Argentina and the USA) looking for liberty, education, well-paid jobs, peace, and better life quality.

Argentina started her worst era between the '60 and '80. That was because of the nationalist model that produced economic stagnation, a devaluation of the currency, and a fiscal deficit.

The country is still devastated because of those mistakes, but I hope that this country will improve a lot during the next few years. We need a very clear administration and logical ideas. We can make Argentina great again, but it's very important to work altogether.

Social Media and the Consequences on Teenagers by Ema Geddes

 How do you think technology and (specifically) social media affect teenagers’ lives? Communication and information have changed rapidly over the past 20 years; now, the development of social media is the key. We find out about everything via Instagram, Google, or even TikTok. It is also true that thanks to the Internet when a  person sees the memes or publications of other people they feel that they are not alone.

Multiple researchers have concluded that heavy use of social media increases the risk of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Also, the most common effect on teenagers is dependence: long use of social media platforms makes you addicted to checking out what other people are doing all the time. Another dangerous consequence is the lack of privacy. Stalking, identity theft, and personal attacks are some of the threats social media users face. Unfortunately, by the time private content is deleted, it is usually too late, and the visibility of this content could cause problems in people’s personal and professional lives.

In conclusion, I can say that social media apps are well-recognized and overused around the world because of the tools they provide us, such as connectivity, education, information, and updates. Also, social media is the best way to convey feelings and opinions - a song, a poem, or art… anyone can let their creativity shine through the platform as it is widely shared and supported by millions of people. But, in contrast, it has a “dark side” too, and we need to be careful. Social media takes away quality family time and makes us distracted and not focused on what we need. It also facilitates laziness by just spending hours on the couch with our smartphones, and finally (and more seriously), it could become an addiction.

A technological World by Kiara Arroyo

Just imagine a world without technology. Are you one of those people who can’t live without the internet? Everything would be very different, but would it be better or worse? 

We use technology a lot and it helps us all the time. People believe that a world without technology would be boring. The world is so dependent on technology that it would be difficult to live without cell phones, social networks, and video game consoles, all that we use now to entertain ourselves, work, and keep us in constant communication.

However, there is no doubt, living without technology has its advantages and disadvantages. It would be very beneficial for the planet, for example, to stop the pollution of the environment. In a less technological world, there would be less pollution, industries that pollute the air, and no more deforestation, it would reduce some diseases that are caused by pollution.

I don't think I could live without technology because I use it all the time. It's my daily dose of entertainment and it's a quick way to communicate with people around the world. It's also important to mention that the use of technology has to be controlled and used wisely to prevent problems in society and in the environment.

Can we really save the environment? by Bautista Vercellino

Can we really save the environment? Well, nowadays, the amount of pollution in the cities is enormous, and how fast it increases over the year is terrifying, so how are we going to save the next generations from the contaminated place we live in?

Well, the ONU has a plan. They want to create new eco-friendly energy-producing factories. Why? Because they produce around 30% of the C02 emissions in the world; The most contaminating energy-producing factories are the ones that use hydrocarbons, like gas and petrol to produce electricity, the ONU wants to replace them with eolic, hydric and solar electricity generators.

While they are working on replacing those very contaminating electricity-generating methods, they are trying to convince the companies that produce industrial products to recycle their material leftovers, like the plastic, glass, paper, and wood some companies use to produce their packaging.

To sum up, there are ways to reduce pollution in the environment, and a way of saving our planet, but it's really hard to convince the big companies and make their plans work, we need everyone to collaborate on this.

Sports and me by Juan Asnaghi

What is physical training for me? Well, first of all I want to say that I'm not a great athlete, not because I don't like doing spor...